Arresting the Wresters Part 2: A Notorious Scene of Their Crime

Continued from Arresting the Wresters To make our case, we focus our attention on a notorious scene of their crime, Isaiah 33:14. It is a text that defenders of undying souls and unending anguish often cite as proof of their horrible hypothesis. They are unabashed in lifting the verse out of its chapter, and isolating one of its phrases, everlasting burnings , out of its setting, thus allowing its disconnected wording to play right into the assumptions of their audience. If they would defend the integrity of their intentions they would have to confess the carelessness of their research. If they didn’t mean to mislead, neither did they bother to verify. Did they even read it, or just repeat it? Either way, it's shameless! Once the text is examined in context it becomes evident that to dangle the disconnected phrase as a proof-text of endless torment is either to knowingly deceive, or unknowingly be deceived. Hopefully it’s a case of ...