The Fire Chart

Psalm 21:8,9 – time of thine anger


 fiery oven; the fire


  thine enemies


 swallow them up; devour them

Psalm 37:20 – the evil time




  the wicked…as the fat of lambs

 consume; consume away

Isaiah 5:24-30 – in that day


 the fire; the flame

  stubble; chaff


 devoureth; consumeth 

Isaiah 9:14-19 – in one day 

 the fire


  briars, thorns; 

  fuel of the fire



Isaiah 33:10-15 – Now will I rise 

Isaiah 34:1-15 – day of the LORD’s vengeance 

 devouring fire; 

 everlasting burnings 

 brimstone; burning pitch            

  chaff… stubble…

  lime…thorns cut up…


 all nations; Bozrah; Idumea


 devour; as the burning of;

 burned in the fire


 lie waste; emptiness

Isaiah 66:15-24 – LORD will come

 flames of fire; 

 unquenched fire


  his enemies

 slain; consumed; carcases

Malachi 4:1-3 – great and dreadful 

day of the LORD


 burn as an oven



 all that do wickedly, shall

 be stubble; the wicked

 burn them up; tread down;


Matthew 3:12 – the wrath to come

 unquenchable fire


 the chaff


 burn up

Matthew 13:40-42 – end of world

 a furnace of fire



John 15:6 – cast them into the fire




 withered branch



2 Thessalonians 1:7-10 – when the 

Lord Jesus shall be revealed


 flaming fire 


 them that know not God


 everlasting destruction


Hebrews 6:8 – whose end




 that which beareth thorns 

 and briars


 whose end is to be burned

Hebrews 10:27 – fearful looking for

of judgment


 fiery indignation


 the adversaries


2 Peter 2:6; Jude 1:7 – an example

 eternal fire


 Sodom and Gomorrah

 turning into ashes… overthrow

2 Peter 3:6-12 – the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men

Revelation 20:14, 15 – great white throne


 fire; fervent heat

lake of fire


 heavens; earth; 

 ungodly men

whosoever was not found

written in the book of life

 Burned up; perish; pass away;   

 melt; be dissolved 


this is the second death


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