The Fire is Unquenchable, Not the Chaff

"Unquenchable fire" is by no means an expression of ceaseless suffering. Even by itself it would speak of things burning up because the fire can't be put out.

But put chaff - thin, dry, extremely combustible husks - in a fire that can't be put out and you should certainly get the picture.

But in the bizarre chance you don't, John the Baptist unmistakably spelled it out: "He will BURN UP the chaff with unquenchable fire."

John the Baptist:

1. UNQUENCHABLE - things burn up in fire that can't be put out

2. CHAFF - things burn up in a fire that can't be put out, especially something this extremely combustible

3. BURN UP - things burn up in a fire that can't be put out, especially something as extremely combustible as chaff, but in case you don't get that clear picture, the chaff will BURN UP


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