Vivid Descriptions of Hell as Eternal Torment?
From a Facebook interaction:
//There are vivid descriptions of hell in the Bible as a place of conscious, eternal torment.//
There actually isn't. Not a single one of eternal torment.
Revelation 14 is not about hell or the dead but of a specific judgment of mark-receiving beast worshippers that takes place on earth in the presence of the angels and the Lamb.
It is the smoke that goes on and on, not the torment. Just like Sodom, Idumea, and Babylon, the smoke rises on and on, but the people are gone.
The satirical parable of the buried rich man is silent on duration of the final punishment.
Mark 8:44, 46, 48 is a direct quote from Isaiah 66:24 about dead bodies ("carcasses"), not undying souls.
Matthew 25 and 2 Thessalonians 1 reveal that the punishment of everlasting destruction is an everlasting punishment - punishment, not punishing; destruction, not destroying.
Revelation 20 says for those raised from the dead not found written in the book of life, to be cast into the lake of fire "IS the second DEATH," not eternal life in torment.
//At the end of human history Jesus Christ divides humanity into "sheep" and "goats" and says the sheep (saved) receive “eternal life” but the goats (unsaved) are cast away into “eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” to suffer “eternal punishment.” (Matt 25:41, 46).//
Just like in the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah, the fire was eternal, not Sodom. Fire fell and "destroyed them all" turning them to "ashes" and happened "as in a moment and no hands stayed on her."
John the Baptist says Christ "will BURN UP the chaff with unquenchable fire." The fire is unquenchable, not the chaff. Chaff burns up in a fire that can't be put out.
//In Luke 13:28, Jesus commands “evildoers” to depart from Him into “a place of weeping and gnashing teeth.”//
I'm not sure which version you are quoting that says "place." It is "there shall be" not "place" and we are told exactly when the weeping and gnashing of teeth occurs:
There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, WHEN YE SHALL SEE Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.
It is at the casting, not everlasting.
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