Welcome to Paradise!
Paradise, where you're carried by angels to sit on Father Abraham's lap (you'll immediately recognize him though you've never met, but unfortunately you'll have to get up as soon as the next person arrives).
Paradise, where you can hear terribly pathetic, but remarkably articulate, conversations the lost who are burning in fire have with Father Abraham (most likely someone you know from your area who didn't do you right and died about the same time).
Paradise, where you can hear the screams and witness the agony of millions of others in the fire (excellent hearing to be able to understand the individual articulate conversations over the normally deafening din across a great gulf).
Paradise, where should the horrific sights and sounds cause you to feel compassion and be willing to take a drop of water to the tormented damned or go back and witness to their living loved ones, you won't have to be guilt ridden because it's simply not possible (you can know you would have if you could have).
Paradise, where you can be grateful that you suffered in life so you could be comforted after death, and that you had your evil things on earth so you wouldn't be tormented in hell (though you probably didn't realize in life that any of that had anything to do with it).
Ah, Paradise, where you can eternally enjoy righteous reversal and sweet revenge on your selfish rich neighbors (and maybe even your children and grandma).
The view from Paradise
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